Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Election results

The results are in. Here are the officers for next school year (2007-2008):

Callie - President

Stephanie - VP

Anna - Treasurer

Summer - Secretary

I hope to see you all in the fall. Until then, have a great summer.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Movie Night

We will have our last movie night for this semester on Friday, April 20, which is the last day of Spring Fling Week. Since the theme for this year's Spring Fling is "The Game of Life" our movie is Sony Pictures' "Benchwarmers".
Join us at 7:30 pm in the Honors Center (Walb G25) for free food and soda. The movie will start at 8:00 pm. Please bring snacks or dessert to share if you can.
We will announce the results of the election of officers for the 2007-2008 school year during this event, so please be sure to attend.

Hope to see you at the movies...

Officer Nominations and Election

The student group is currently accepting nominations for 2007-2008 President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you or someone you know would like to participate please e-mail Abbie before noon on Friday 4/13/2007 (mourar01@ipfw.edu).
Nominees will be named and elections will be held next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4/17-19/2007) in the Honors Center.
Even if you cannot take on a position, please participate in the elections.
The officer election will be announced at the movie night on Friday 4/20/07 (see movie night info).

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Upcoming Events

On Thursday 4/5/2007 we will be having a movie night in the Honors Center from 7:30 to 10:30 PM. Pizza and refreshments will be provided, please bring a snack to share. We will be watching Warner Brothers Production's Happy Feet.

Also, during the Spring Fling in April, the student group will be helping collect cans for Habitat for Humanity during the Last Bash Barbeque. Check the blog for more information at a later date.