Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New Listserv!

There is a new listserv, specifically for the active Honors Student Group Members. This will be an active listserv for communicating ideas, and hopefully there will be a lot of back and forth... there might be some wrong dates as well (hopefully not though!)...

CLICK HERE! You will be taken to the Listserv webpage specifically for our group, the Honor Dons.
Hope that you join!



At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having never used a Yahoo listserv or group, I have a few questions (Considering your experiences with listservs, I know questions are not what you want to see right off the bat)--

I saw that you need not have a yahoo ID to access messages to some groups -- you just send an email to (in our case) and you will get email messages. However, Yahoo is quick to point out that, "If you choose this method, you will not have access to all of the group's web features (Photos, Files, Links, Polls, Calendar.) In addition you will not have access to the My Groups page, where you can easily manage all of your memberships and email messages." Will we need access to anything other than the emails?

I ask because, also according to Yahoo, "Note: you can only post to groups you've joined, and only from email addresses registered with Yahoo! Groups" At this point I am unsure if that means one can only post with a yahoo email address. Since you said the listserv, "will be an active listserv for communicating ideas, and hopefully there will be a lot of back and forth" I thought I would ask.

Granted, I am probably the only person left at IPFW to not already have a yahoo account...

At 6:21 PM, Blogger EB said...

its only for e-mails, so no extra features required... use your preferred e-mail and that should be good!

thank you for asking, i think that will help clarify things :-)


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